The Israel Association for Ethiopian Jews (IAEJ), directed and run by Ethiopians, is a unique advocacy organization and formidable voice for the Ethiopian community in Israel. It is the single most powerful, system-wide, advocate to major Israeli leaders in the municipal & national governments to advance full and successful integration. IAEJ’s work to break down barriers and improve the quality of life of Ethiopian Israelis reverberates throughout all strata of Israel, and creates a more just society overall.
Established in 1993, IAEJ focuses primarily on education as the key to Ethiopian integration and mobility within Israeli society. Recognizing the interrelated nature of education and other absorption needs, IAEJ has expanded its focus to also include the reform of employment and housing policies related to the Ethiopian community in Israel. IAEJ's main goal is to ensure the complete and effective absorption and integration of Ethiopian Jews into Israeli society with an informed and empowered Ethiopian citizenry.
IAEJ accomplishes its mission through direct advocacy in government ministries and in the Knesset, as well as by providing information to the community, policy makers and the media. IAEJ initiates community empowerment projects that provide Ethiopian Israelis with knowledge and tools that enable them to bridge the social and cultural gaps they face, and access the social and legal rights to which they are entitled, at the same time preserving their historic Ethiopian culture and heritage, which enriches all of world Jewry.
Click here to make a donation in support of the IAEJ.
Israel Association for Ethiopian Jews
28 Pierre Koenig Street, Jerusalem, 93489, Israel
Tel: 972-2-678-9673
Fax: 972-2-679-0412
Email: contact@iaej.co.il
Website: http://iaej-english.org/